Manifesting in 2023

With last night’s new moon, I decided to spend some time putting together my vision board to keep me focused on my goals this year. John and I did this a few years ago and by the end of that year everything on that vision board happened. Whether you believe in manifesting or not, I think there is something to be said for creating goals and focusing on them all year. It is pretty hard not to achieve something if you are taking action towards them every single day for an entire year.

Along with my vision boards this year, I also chose a one-word intention. My mom sent this article to my sisters, sister-in-law, and me at the start of the year. I chose fearless for my intention because I have let fear control my actions these past few years. But being fearless was what lead me to move to Savannah, meet my husband, marry young, have kids… All of the most exciting things have happened while I have been brave and moved towards the adventure.

This is the vision board I created for my laptop screen saver (I also made a version for my phone). That daily reminder of seeing my goals and intentions will help me remember to take one step every day. So far this month, I applied to go back to school to learn CAD, gave notice at my job, scheduled my hair appointment to dye my hair brown for the first time, designed a tattoo, scheduled a massage for no occasion other than I deserve it, and today I am publishing my first post. If a vision board isn’t enough for you, try finding an accountability partner. My sister and I have been scheduling weekly calls to touch base on our progress and that has really helped me. The biggest goal for me this year is that by the time I turn 30 in September, my life looks more like the life I dream about in my mind. I encourage you to do the same.

Madeline Russo

I’m Madeline, an interior designer with a passion for sustainability and beautiful, functional spaces. I have a BFA in Fibers from the Savannah College of Art and Design, where I honed my skills in pattern, color theory, and visual aesthetics. After completing my certificate in interior design, I found that my background in textile design gives me a unique perspective for interior spaces. I am dedicated to creating spaces that are both visually stunning and environmentally conscious.


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