Embracing Change and Manifesting Your Dream Career

Life has a way of throwing curveballs, and sometimes they come in the form of challenges we never anticipated. For me, it was the difficulty of finding reliable childcare that led to one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make: quitting my job. As a working parent, the struggle to balance professional aspirations with family responsibilities can be overwhelming. Yet, this journey has taught me that it is never too late to start over and that a positive attitude can be a powerful tool in manifesting your dream career.

Being a working parent comes with a unique set of challenges. The constant juggling act between work deadlines, school runs, and family time can leave you feeling stretched thin. Finding reliable childcare is often the linchpin that holds everything together, and when that falls apart, it can feel like your entire world is crumbling.

For many working moms, there's an added layer of pressure to keep up professionally, to be at the same spot in life as colleagues. The societal expectation to "have it all" can weigh heavily, leading to feelings of guilt and inadequacy when things don't go as planned. I know I have always wanted to thrive in a creative career, but becoming a mom was another separate dream. I never knew how difficult it may be to pursue both.

When reliable childcare became a persistent issue, I faced the difficult choice of leaving my job. It wasn't a decision made lightly. My career was a significant part of my identity and walking away felt like I was giving up a piece of myself. Plus there was another part of me that felt like I didn’t reach the potential that I wanted to. But deep down, I knew that my family needed me more during this critical time, and I had to prioritize their well-being.

In the aftermath of quitting my job, I was filled with uncertainty. However, I chose to embrace a positive attitude. I realized that this could be an opportunity for growth and transformation. Instead of seeing this period as a setback, I started viewing it as a chance to re-evaluate my goals and explore new possibilities. Through a conversation with my sister, I decided to carve out an hour of my day to creating… the only rule was that it could never be for something. This way I was able to get out of my head and just start making again. Rededicating time to the thing that has always made me feel the most myself was incredibly positive and energizing.

A positive attitude doesn't mean ignoring the difficulties; it means acknowledging them while believing in your ability to overcome them. It’s about seeing the potential in every situation and remaining open to new paths that may lead to you to something you never expected.

Starting over can be daunting, but it’s never too late to chase your dreams. I began by reflecting on my passions and skills, thinking about what truly made me happy. Manifesting your dream career involves setting clear intentions and taking actionable steps towards them. Visualize where you want to be, set realistic goals, and take consistent actions, no matter how small. Trust the process and remain patient; success doesn’t happen overnight, but with perseverance and a positive mindset, it will come.

To all the working parents out there, know that you are not alone. The pressure to balance work and family is immense, but remember that it's okay to prioritize your needs and make decisions that are best for you and your family. Like my old coworker told me, “Things will just work out.”

Madeline Russo

I’m Madeline, an interior designer with a passion for sustainability and beautiful, functional spaces. I have a BFA in Fibers from the Savannah College of Art and Design, where I honed my skills in pattern, color theory, and visual aesthetics. After completing my certificate in interior design, I found that my background in textile design gives me a unique perspective for interior spaces. I am dedicated to creating spaces that are both visually stunning and environmentally conscious.


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